Has your flight been cancelled by your airline? Then you must be offered the choice of another flight or a full refund. If you choose a refund, you should receive it within seven days of the cancellation of your flight. You can use this template letter to claim a refund for a cancelled flight.
Letter Category: Air Travel
Cancelled flight compensation
Has your flight been cancelled by your airline? If the flight is cancelled within 14 days of the original departure date, you are entitled to financial compensation. You can use this template to make a claim to the airline.
Delayed flight compensation
Has your flight arrived at its destination with a delay of more than three hours? You may be entitled to financial compensation of up to €600. You can use this template letter to make your claim to the airline.
Overbooked flight compensation
Were you refused to board a flight due to overbooking? You may be entitled to financial compensation up to €600. This is in addition to a new ticket or refund. You can use this letter template to claim compensation.