Complaint to car rental company

Were you unhappy with your car rental? Or do you have another complaint about a car rental company? You can use this letter template to set out your complaint with the car rental company involved.

Dispute rental deposit charge

Did a car rental company withhold some or all of your deposit for your rental car without good reason? Always ask for a breakdown of the costs and claim a refund if the amount is not justified. You can use this letter template to request a refund of your deposit.

Cancelled train service refund

Has your train journey been cancelled? Then you are entitled to receive a refund of the full ticket price. You can use this letter template to get a refund from the train company.

Cancelled ferry refund

Has you ferry or boat journey been cancelled? Then you are entitled to receive a refund of the full ticket price. You can use this letter template to get a refund from the ferry company.

Cancelled bus refund

Has your bus or coach journey been cancelled? Then you are entitled to receive a refund of the full ticket price. You can use this template letter to get a refund from the bus company.